Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a great way to rejuvenate the skin. These topical formulations help reduce the appearance of lines, help improve skin texture, even skin tone and clear complexion.

A topical solution is applied in multiple layers. The desired depth of penetration depends on how many layers are applied. We recently introduced VI Peel to our practice. These peels consist of different formulations depending on which issue(s) you want treated. These peels can be applied to the face, neck, chest and even the back of the hands. Safe to use in all skin types. VI Peels we carry:

VI Peel Original: contains retinoic acid, salicylic acid, vitamin C, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), phenol. This peel is great in those looking for a refresh, good for sensitive skin or first-time users. It is great to use as a maintenance peel. 

VI Peel Advanced: contains TCA, phenol, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, vitamin C. Great for those 40+ wanting to tackle wrinkles, fine lines, loss of elasticity. Encourages call turnover as well as collagen an elastin production. 

VI Peel Precision Plus: this is great for those with pigmentation issues, sun damaged skin, melasma. It contains TCA, phenol, salicylic acid, retinoic acid, vitamin C, hydroquinone, kojic acid. 

VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus: this peel contains the same ingredients found in VI Precision Plus peel, as well as benzoyl peroxide and hydrocortisone. Great for mature skin prone to breaks outs, oily skin, acne with hyperpigmentation.


What to expect during treatment?

Generally, a topical anesthetic is not needed. You may experience some stinging or burning. The solution is added onto the skin in layers, waiting a few minutes in between layers to see how the skin reacts.

What to expect after treatment?

Downtime is about 3-7 days. Skin may look red, bronzed, and will flake during this time.

How many treatments are needed?

Generally, 3-5 peels are recommended and can be repeated every 4 weeks. Maintenance 3 times per year is recommended.

When will I see results?

You should see improvements in your skin after the post peel symptoms subside. It will continue to improve as collagen is regenerating, generally 3 months after treatment.

Risks associated with treatment

VI peels are safe in all skin types, Fitzpatrick I-IV. In some rare instances, hyperpigmentation may occur and last for several weeks. If your skin is prone to acne, peels can trigger new breakouts which is normal as you have underlying bacteria.

Chemical Peels can help improve the appearance of:

  • Mild skin laxity
  • Large pores

  • Sun spots
  • Active acne

  • Acne scars

  • Age spots

  • Melasma
  • Fine lines

  • Skin texture

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Dull skin



  • Come to the office makeup free. 
  • A topical anesthetic can be applied but is generally not needed. 


  • If you are prone to cold sores, an antiviral medication will be recommended beforehand as treatment can trigger a breakout. 

  • If you are prone to acne breakouts, a topical or oral antibiotic may be advised.



  • Moisturize frequently, at least twice daily.
  • Make sure the skin stays hydrated, drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Do not pick at flaking skin.
  • Avoid aggressive exercise during your healing process as sweating can irritate the skin and delay healing, generally for 3-7 days.
  • Avoid makeup until the peeling has resolved.
  • Cool compresses can help soothe the skin. 


  • Wear at least 30 SPF daily.
  • Avoid direct sunlight for at least 1 week.

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Other services for skin rejuvenation

Alle and Aspire Partner

3195 Danville Blvd Suite 4
Alamo, CA 94507


The World of Fillers

The World of Fillers

Fillers are comprised of hyaluronic acid, which restores volume and improves the overall texture of the skin. As we age, we lose fat in the face, the muscle wears down and even the bone structure changes. This all contributes to an ageing face. In our youth, the face is shaped like an upside-down egg, wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. As we age, this flip around. We become narrower up top having lost volume around the temples and wider at the bottom. This is because of the changes we mentioned above – loss of subcutaneous fat, muscle atrophy, and changes in bone structure.

When tackling volume loss, we start with the midface. It fills the cheeks, elevates the midface, and in doing so can improve the hollowing of the eyes and smooth the lines around the mouth. Filler can restore definition to the jawline. Not only can it plump the lips, but also restore its color and hydration too. Don’t forget the hands, always a dead giveaway of our age. The hands can also be filled, we use Restylane Lyft for this area. With the correct type of filler and amount used most won’t know what you’ve had done, just that you look rested, refreshed, youthful.

Prior to coming to the clinic there are a few things you should do to prepare. Avoid alcohol and Ibuprofen 48 hours prior to injection as this will minimize bruising. Of course, there still is a risk of bruising as we have hundreds of thousands of blood vessels in our face but taking this precaution will help. We locally anesthetize the area and in some, perform a nerve block. Other practices just use a topical anesthetic. We do not find this to be as effective. After your procedure you should avoid strenuous activity for a few days. Sleeping upright can help with swelling. Keeping hydrated and using a topical hyaluronic serum is great to support your treatment at home. By staying hydrated and using a good skin care regimen, we support and maintain our results following treatment.

We love Galderma’s Restylane line of fillers. Their line of fillers with XpresHAn technology integrates into the tissues and moves with the face keeping a natural look. We’ve included a list of Restylane’s line of filles and areas we like to use them:

Restylane Refyne – can be used anywhere on the face
Restylane Defyne – lower face such as nasal labial folds (laugh lines), chin
Restylane Contour – midface
Restylane Lyft – midface, temples, jawline, hands
Restylane – L – can be used anywhere on the face, lips
Restylane Kysse – lips, wrinkles around the mouth

We are happy to answer any questions you may have! Consultations are complimentary. Call or schedule online at

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